Conversation Between PyrosNine and Bailey
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
No, mine are all made of solidified mercury. The way I see it, if it's so friggin lethal, no one will steal them!
The real expense will be the mercury remover for removing mercury poisoning from the cure for internet aidz.
Ah, but will you have the aluminium oxy-nitrate test tubes?
If making money was any easier, it'd be cheating!
I will have the lab, with the gold trimmed doors and silver labcoats, guarded by Shin Megami Tensei style Nekomata and Waddle Dees with lightsabers!
And a pony!
Curse you and your money machine!
Now you'll be able to afford all the upgrades in the unlockables closet!
Well, my name is not my full name.
It should read The Eternal Newb.
Which doesn't become inaccurate, cause, y'know, eternal.
You know, as the years go on, your name becomes increasingly inaccurate. I mean, you've been here about 4 years!