Conversation Between Mirai Gen and Solid Snake
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
RE: ME1 Love Interests in ME2:
"There are no actual romance plots with the original ME1 love interests, but should Shepard stay loyal to his or her original Love interest, they briefly exchange a kiss when reunited and a small cutscene enroute to the final mission takes place in which Shepard stands over and stares deeply at the photo, smiling."
Source: Mass Effect Wiki.
Now I'm going to be awfully torn about staying loyal to Ashley in my ME2 playthrough, once I get that far...
Mr. Mirai Gen, allow me to bother you with a strange question: Might you be willing to volunteer your good name to be included as a fictionalized character in my Let's Play?
Man, you know I really like OKCupid, but it sucks when you start reading up a nearby girl's profile who seems totally cool and she's cute and you have good compatibility...But then you see "Favorite books: Twilight series."