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Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is a real American hero. Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is a real American hero. Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is a real American hero. Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is a real American hero. Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is a real American hero. Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is a real American hero. Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is a real American hero.

Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope is offline

Definitely NOT a samurai

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 189
  1. mauve
    09-02-2010 08:16 PM
    (Whups, posted to my own wall instead of yours. >.< )

    That's cool. Forum-related or general fanart?
  2. mauve
    08-31-2010 10:31 PM
    The best plans usually do.
  3. mauve
    08-31-2010 03:22 AM
    I have a sandwich.
  4. mauve
    08-26-2010 12:19 AM
    So I saw! It looks awesome!
  5. mauve
    08-25-2010 01:19 PM

    "Oh, the enemy has a level 8 Warrior? Pfft. My Warrior is level 12. No problem. I'll just--- OH MY GOODNESS WHY IS IT KILLING ME? WHY IS IT KILLING HALF MY PARTY?!?!"
  6. mauve
    08-25-2010 03:20 AM
    Well, the thing about FFTA2 is that you only get one chance to win optional quests. If you blow it, you lose it forever. That drives me crazy because I'm a storyline addict and some of the optional quests have story elements associated with them. The one I ragequit earlier today involved my party defending a man who hired us because he said someone was out to get him. But the people coming after him called him a thief. The only way to find out what the hell is going on is to win the mission. And after an hour and a half of fighting enemies, I find my 5-man party has been whittled down to 2 of my weakest characters and in the next turn I just KNOW they'll be 1-hit-1-killed and I'll have wasted that time for nothing AND lose my chance to see what happens next. That fills me with rage. Ergo, power switch rage quit time.

  7. mauve
    08-25-2010 12:54 AM
    No. I haven't had a chance to sit down and play it since the weekend. Today's DS time was spent accepting and subsequently rage-resetting a mission in FFTA2. >.> Those missions can take forever!!

    Maybe I'll take another shot at TWEWY tomorrow before I go to work. Mus Rattus incident aside, it's an incredibly fun game. I still kinda suck at using both screens, though, even though I'm already several days into the Joshua phase...
  8. mauve
    08-23-2010 02:52 AM
    Congrats! Looks good so far!
  9. mauve
    08-23-2010 02:51 AM
    Oooooohhhhhh. He just told me to show up in all Mus Rattus, so that's what I did. Well in that case, RANDOM BATTLING TIME, GO. Thanks for the tip!

    Also, I don't know if any level of hilarity can pardon Joshua's annoyingness, but I'll take your word for it.
  10. mauve
    08-21-2010 11:53 PM
    Most of TWEWY music is awesome, so I can see how that would happen.

    Also, I am stuck in my first playthrough of TWEWY on something that shouldn't be that hard to do (Look, I already AM wearing all Mus Rattus threads, Reaper dude! So stop telling me I'm not and OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!) and it is driving me crazy and DAMMIT I HATE JOSHUA SO MUCH.

About Me

  • About Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope
    I eat, I sleep, I game, I write
    Location: Wherever the wind leads me
    Reading, Writing, Gaming
    Boy bits
  • Signature

    Lost in the Music ~ On Hiatus

    Tales of a Torn World ~ World Building


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-16-2017 10:33 PM
  • Join Date: 04-10-2006
  • Referrals: 0


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